Interest & Career Exploration
Online tools help students sort through both their strengths and blind spots and their likes and dislikes, enriching the conversation about what they want to do with their future.
Goal Setting
Goal setting is an essential part of academic and personal success. At Options, we encourage our students to set academic, executive functioning, extra-curricular, and wellness goals.
Course Planning
Smart course planning not only meets the necessary requirements, but also allows students to explore their interests. We encourage multi-year planning to insure a balance of courses throughout high school.
Extra-Curricular Planning
Getting into a post-secondary institution requires more than just high grades and the right courses. Many universities and competitive colleges require an extra-curricular profile, resume, and/or essays written about students’ activities.
Sports Recruitment
Recruitment rules change in the US each April, and USports in Canada has completed a major rebrand. It is imperative to have an early, strategic recruitment plan in order to increase an athlete’s chances of success and the best access to scholarship dollars.