Options News

Where our students got in…


At this time of year, many high schools and educational consultants post their success stories – a list of schools that their students were admitted to.

Here at Options, our clients have a LOT of admissions offers to be excited for. After I tell you about some of those, I’ll tell you what’s even MORE exciting.

In Canada, we worked with students who were accepted from coast to coast – among MANY others, engineering at U of T, UBC and Waterloo; business at UBC, SFU, Ivey, Queen’s, U of T, McGill and Dalhousie, and arts and science faculties at schools large and small. Also Arts and Science at McMaster, Creative Industries at TMU, Queen’s Health Science, Guelph Animal Science, Nursing at Queen’s, UBCO and U Alberta, and Fine Arts at Emily Carr and OCADU.

In the UK, we worked with students admitted to a variety of programs in fields including medicine, law, veterinary medicine, science, and design. They got offers from prestigious schools including London School of Economics, Warwick, Bristol, St. Andrew’s, University of Edinburgh, SOAS, University College London, King’s College London, York, Sussex, Cardiff, Durham, Goldsmiths, Lancaster, Newcastle, Loughborough, Bristol, Brighton, Exeter, Glasgow, Manchester, Ulster, Birbeck-Univ of London, Surrey, South Wales, London South Bank, and Southampton.

And in the US, our students were accepted at Cornell, Penn, UCs (including Berkeley, LA, San Diego and Santa Cruz), Gonzaga, Babson, USC, NYU, Emory, Northwestern, Tufts, Colorado School of Mines, Santa Clara, ASU, University of Arizona, SDSU, University of Tampa, University of Colorado-Boulder, University of New Hampshire, University of Vermont, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Texas Austin, Northeastern, Boston College, Boston University, Drexel, Georgetown, Chapman, LMU, SMU, UChicago, Barnard, UMiami, Tulane, Reed College, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Syracuse University, Bard College, Brandeis, George Washington University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Wisconsin, Vassar, Pace University, Fordham University… and so many more. Big or small, urban or rural, Ivy or state, we are excited for their opportunities.

To me though, here’s what’s even more exciting:

We work with future chefs, fashion designers, graphic designers and actors. We know which film schools offer screenwriting. We work with athletes aiming to compete at the highest levels, and ones who can’t quite decide if they want to. We work with engineers who aren’t sure of their interests and engineers who are looking for very specific programs. We can help teens chart a path to medical school, law school, and other graduate endeavors. We help students apply to Sciences Po in France – but we also help them decide if they really want to. And we can help students get just the right amount of business into their degrees.

Beyond programs, we also know place. While Imperial College is renowned, we know that Birmingham offers more of a campus experience. If sports are what they want, we can help identify US schools where athlete culture is key, like Chapel Hill, USC, or Gonzaga. We help students determine which schools are more likely to grant them scholarships. And, we help them craft really strong applications. We know that just because a student gets into a highly competitive school, they also have other choices – we help find an environment where they will thrive. 

Most importantly, we know young adults; we meet them where they are; we really listen to what they want. We help make and execute plans that work for students and their families, energetically crafting lists that include a diverse range of institutions that match their values.. The emails I most treasure are the ones I get each fall from students who are in the right place and thankful for the support they received. At the end of the day, that’s how we measure success.

We help you navigate the complex post-secondary selection process in Canada, the United States, the UK and abroad.

We construct progressive action plans for the future, based on each student’s individual strengths, values, and interests.