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How We Help with Executive Functioning


So, you’ve booked a session with a Writing Coach for help with executive functioning, organization, and study skills. What can you expect?

The Initial Meeting

In your first executive functioning session, be prepared to tell your Writing Coach all about your strengths and weaknesses in study skills. The first meeting focuses on discussing how things are going so that we can figure out new strategies for success. How are your classes going? How much homework do you typically do a night? How is your organization? Time-management? How do you study for tests and when do you start? Your Writing Coach will ask you all these questions and many more!

By the end of the first meeting, the student and Coach will work together to come up with a few strategies to try before the next session. It’s important that these strategies and goals feel realistic and manageable, even if they’re small. We believe that small steps in the right direction are incredibly valuable!

We’ll also make a plan for future sessions. What does the student want these sessions to look like? What do they think will be most useful for them?

Subsequent (Bi-weekly or Monthly) Sessions

Based on the initial executive functioning session, the following sessions might go a few different ways. For many students who struggle with time-management, the benefit of a bi-weekly or monthly meeting is creating a study plan for the upcoming weeks. It can be extremely useful to touch-base, verbally go over all upcoming assignments, and work together to determine when to get it all done. For students who struggle with notetaking, we might spend a session practicing. If a student finds organization challenging, we might spend the session actually getting organized. The sessions can become whatever will best help the student succeed! We’re here to support you.

If you’re interested in booking a session, please contact info@optionssolutionsed.com.

We help you navigate the complex post-secondary selection process in Canada, the United States, the UK and abroad.

We construct progressive action plans for the future, based on each student’s individual strengths, values, and interests.