
Options Solutions Program Feature: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science


Looking for a new undergraduate program to put on your radar? Our Educational Consultants are here to help! In addition to exploring popular, established programs, our experts are also familiar with newly introduced programs.

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science – Major in Kinesiology & Health Science – York University (Toronto, Ontario)

Grounded in the study of physical activity and its importance for human health, health science, and society, York’s Kinesiology and Health Science programs boast the largest selection of courses in the field of any Canadian university, offering students flexibility and choice while being prepared to become a registered kinesiologist in Ontario. Furthermore, the department guarantees that first-year students are taught by full-time, tenure-track faculty, engaging them in the professional field from the outset.

Students in both the BA and BSc programs complete the same core courses, including Anatomy, Biomechanics, Fitness and Health, Psychology of Physical Activity and Health, and Skilled Performance and Motor Learning. In later years, students can choose among advanced electives in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, neuroscience, fitness, nutrition, epidemiology, athletic therapy, aging, health psychology, growth and development, sport culture, etc.…

Throughout the program, students learn in classes with lectures, tutorials, laboratories and integrated physical activity courses, as well as conduct research and practice in the community, such as working with children confronting childhood obesity at a nearby community centre and in programs at Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital. Graduates have gone into a variety of careers from coaching and recreation leadership to healthcare and research. 

Students should also consider York’s new Markham Campus opening this year in a state-of-the-art learning space at Canada’s IBM headquarters. Programs focus on technology and entrepreneurship, including undergraduate programs in communication, social media, and public relations (BA), Computer Science for Software Development (BASc), and Entrepreneurship & Innovation (BCom).

Want to read our other program features? Check them out under our Majors and Careers topic.

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