
NACAC Vancouver International College & University Fair – April 29, 2023


On a gorgeous Vancouver Saturday afternoon, the Options Consultant Team headed downtown to the convention center to attend this in-person international fair and get to know nearly 100 colleges and universities from all over Canada, the US, the UK, and beyond. 

NACAC (National Association for College Admissions Counseling) holds these fairs all over North America, and we were so excited to be able to attend in person once again. After waiting in line for the 1 pm open, we divided and conquered, making important connections with admissions officers, learning about institutional priorities, listening to what schools want our clients to know about them, and tracking recent admission trends. 

With Options totes and cards in hand, we asked the officers the questions our students have been interested to know—from how Vancouver applicants rank within their larger applicant pools, what they are most looking for in applications, and which programs at their schools are more popular or accessible than others. 

We also connected with representatives from some of our team’s favorite schools from the big Ontario universities to the UCs and southwestern US institutions to little known gems we plan to bring to our community for upcoming webinars, blog posts, and information sessions. We had such a great time connecting as a team and sharing our love of education with these amazing institutions. 

We especially enjoyed sharing time with: St. FX, Huron, Waterloo, McGill, IE, Cambridge, St. Andrew’s, Durham, UAL, ASU, USD, Santa Clara, UMI, and Vanderbilt. It was so nice to put faces to the email addresses. 

We help you navigate the complex post-secondary selection process in Canada, the United States, the UK and abroad.

We construct progressive action plans for the future, based on each student’s individual strengths, values, and interests.