Options News

Book Your Spring PAC Presentation Now!



A big thanks to all of the schools who hosted us during our series of fall PAC events! We’re proud to exist in communities that value education and empower students to continue learning.

This fall, we partnered with PACs for the following presentations:

Our president, Melinda, also spoke at the BC School Counsellors Association Conference on October 20th about the changing face of Canadian admissions.

We’re now preparing to launch a series of PAC presentations for spring 2017. Melinda will be available to host informational talks during April and May in conjunction with PACs around the Lower Mainland to provide students and families with the information to make informed post-secondary decisions.

We would love to work with your school PAC to host a presentation at your school! We welcome the opportunity to work together with any school official, PAC member, or parent to create a dynamic event for your community. Read more about the speaking engagements we offer here. If you’re interested in hosting a presentation at your school, please e-mail info@options-wp.chhdev.com.

We help you navigate the complex post-secondary selection process in Canada, the United States, the UK and abroad.

We construct progressive action plans for the future, based on each student’s individual strengths, values, and interests.