Options News

Approaching the SAT


The October 1st SAT test date is fast approaching. If you are taking the test for the fist time, chances are you are feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. The SAT can be quite intimidating, especially for those of you who do not know what to expect. The exam itself is 3 hours and 45 minutes, not including breaks. It is best to go into the SAT test with a strategy to help maximize your performance.

Here are some tips to help you succeed:

Answer easier questions first – This is a simple strategy to implement as the SAT is designed with the easier questions being near the start of each section. An exception to this rule is found in the Critical Reading sections where the order is according to logic and passage organization instead of difficulty.

Make educated guesses – If you are unsure of the answer, start by ruling out one or more answer choices.

Skip Questions you cannot answer – Points are not deducted for questions left blank. Points are deducted for questions answered incorrectly. But be wise here, if you can eliminate an answer- guess!

Limit the amount of time you spend on each question – If you cannot answer a question within 30 seconds, move on to the next. Come back to these questions if you have time at the end. This is an important strategy as a number of students struggle with timing.

Make note of skipped questions in your test booklet – This will save you time when returning to these questions and it will prevent you from mis-bubbling.

Use your test booklet as scrap paper – This will be especially useful during the essay section. It is always best to develop an outline before writing in the answer sheet.

One of the best ways to prepare for the SAT is to complete a mock exam. This will give you a better understanding of each test section, the timing and what it is like to write the test in a formal testing environment. Options Solutions will be offering full length SAT mock exam for the October sitting this Sunday, the 18th and will also offer a follow-up debrief session.

For dates of the mock exam an review sessions, please view our online calendar.

For more tips on writing the SAT visit College Board

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